WinJS.Namespace.define gotcha

So you are following MS best practice and started namespacing your Metro JavaScript projects nicely already. Good :). Now here’s the challenge: spot the issue with the following code:

Problematic version: using WinJS.Namespace.define

WinJS.Namespace.define('MyApp', {
    version : '0.0.1'

WinJS.Namespace.define('Myapp.Helper', {
    think: function(input) {
        // do something

console.log(typeof MyApp.Helper.think);  // -> 0x800a138f - JavaScript runtime error: Unable to get property 'think' of
undefined or null reference

Yeah, I know you spotted the mistyped namespace Myapp.Helper immediately. But what if Myapp.Helper would have been defined in another file, maybe by another coder? You might have been suprised a little, at least I was, when first faced with it;-).

Better version: using WinJS.Namespace.defineWithParent

WinJS.Namespace.define('MyApp', {
    version : '0.0.1'

WinJS.Namespace.defineWithParent(MyApp, 'Helper', {
    think: function (input) {
        // do something

console.log(typeof MyApp.Helper.think); // -> "function"

Using defineWithParent won’t have that issue as you are passing in the parent object as first parameter, so VS immediately starts yelling if this object doesn’t exist. Probably worth making a rule like only using define for root namespaces and from that point on using defineWithParent.

Love to hear about your experiences with WinJS.Namespace.

Published: July 06 2012

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